Thursday, May 6, 2010

The end, or a new beginning.

I've been meaning to make this post for quite a while, but I keep putting it off.

Recently I had a bit of a wake-up call about the public-ness of this blog, and I seriously considered making it private, but I stand behind everything I've ever written here. Fully.

However, I would like a place to post my more recent writings, which are much more of the fiction persuasion. I would love a place to put up my finished short stories for anyone to read who wants to read them, but I worry about privacy and plagiarizing (is any of my writing good enough for anyone to want to copy it? probably not, but I'm not taking chances), and also if I want to publish any of my work someday, I can't have it up in a public place.

So, I am creating a private, by-invite-only fiction blog. I can only invite people whose e-mail addresses I have, so if you want an invitation, please e-mail me (Miranda E Piris @ gmail dot com, no spaces). (Or leave a comment here with your e-mail if you're okay with that.) The only e-mail address I have is my sister's, so if you're not my sister, e-mail me!

If you ask me and your intentions are good, I'll add you to my new blog. Friends, family, well-wishers, I hope to hear from you.

Most likely, this will be my last post on this blog. It had a good run. I'd feel more sad about it, except I'm writing my ass off this year, and I feel AWESOME about that. 75k and going strong!
